Mark your calendars for our next Festival...
Friday, February 14, 2025
⭐️ Click HERE to go to the Registration and Payment page.
Important Festival Details:
- REGISTRATION deadline is January 6. Registration fees:
- $125 early bird fee (if paid before September 30)
- $150 (if paid after Sept. 30)
- The START TIME for the Festival is: 9:15am. We understand some may have conflicts with bus transportation and may arrive a little late. Just let us know. The concert will be at 5pm.
- Each school may bring up to 10 treble singers. Larger schools with 2 music teachers may bring 10 singers per teacher who is a member of WTGMEA, TnMEA, and NAfME.
- FESTIVAL SHEET MUSIC is TBA. It may be purchased from Memphis Music Academy (formerly Bartlett Music Academy). Memphis Music Academy, 7505 Highway 64 Suite 107, Memphis, TN 38133. [email protected]. Contact: Sandy Murphree, 901-213-4262. Store Hours: Monday - Friday, 10:00am - 7:00pm & Saturdays, 9:00am-4:00pm CT
- PARTS ASSIGNMENTS + REHEARSAL TRACKS will be emailed to directors and will available on our website.
- ATTIRE for Festival Day is professional, concert black. Please, no t-shirts.
- LUNCH: Students must bring a sack lunch. Directors should bring a blanket for their group to sit on for lunch. Directors may coordinate their own lunch arrangements through various delivery services available in the area.